From Our Bureau
21ST JUNE 2020
The Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic situation remained grim globally, with the confirmed cases across the world soaring to 87,08,008 and the death toll reaching 4,61,715 in the 216 affected countries and territories, according to the latest update from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Globally, American region continued to be the worst-hit with 42,79,854 confirmed cases and 2,19,144 deaths. Europe came next with 25,27,618 confirmed cases and 1,93,086 deaths. Eastern Mediterranean region reported 8,97,403 confirmed cases and 20,075 deaths.
South-East Asia region’s tally stood at 5,80,533 confirmed cases and 17,213 deaths. Western Pacific region recorded 2,04,860 confirmed cases and 7,310 deaths and African region registered 2,16,999 confirmed cases and 4,874 deaths. WHO Risk Assessment at global level remained very high.
The WHO Regional Director for Europe, Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, shared that the European Region accounts for 31 percent of COVID-19 cases and 43 percent of COVID-19 deaths globally. Dr Kluge highlighted that several countries continue to face increasing disease incidence and that “Preparing for the autumn is a priority now at the WHO Regional Office for Europe.”
The WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean, Dr Ahmed Al-Mandhari, has released a statement on COVID-19. He highlighted that while there is a wide body of research on COVID-19, many things are still unknown. He reiterated that as knowledge of the disease evolves, recommendations about how best to control the pandemic are also evolving.
A survey conducted by the WHO Regional Office for the Americas highlighted that services for the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have been critically affected since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Region.
Oman has launched some of the most powerful technological solutions deployed to date in the Middle East to track the movement and spread of COVID-19 and ensure patient compliance with isolation measures, in an effort to contain the disease in the country. (eom)